Page 25 - Informativo CEMBRA_14
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Continuação                                                                                       Matéria:

                                                                                                                Poluição Marinha

    BARLETTA, M.; COSTA, M.F.; DANTAS, D.V. Ecology of microplastics contamination within food webs
    of estuarine and coastal ecosystems. MethodsX, v. 7, p. 100861, 2020.

    BARLETTA, M.; CYSNEIROS, F.J.A.; LIMA, A.R.A. Effects of dredging operations on the demersal fish
    fauna of a South American tropical-subtropical transition estuary. Journal of Fish Biology, v. 89, p.1-31,

    BARLETTA,  M.;  LIMA,  A.R.A.;  COSTA,  M.  F.  Distribution,  sources  and  consequences  of  nutrients,
    persistent organic pollutants, metals and microplastics in South American estuaries. Science of the Total
    Environment, v. 651, part 1, p. 1199-1218, 2019.

    BITTENCOURT, L.; CARVALHO R.R.A; LAILSON-BRITO J.; AZEVEDO, A.F.Underwater noise pollution
    in a coastal tropical environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, n. 83, p. 331-336,2014.

    COSTA, M.F.; BARLETTA, M. Microplastics in Coastal and Marine Environments of the Western Tropical
    and  Sub-Tropical  Atlantic  Ocean.  Environmental  Science:  Processes  &  Impacts,  v.17,  p.  1868-1879,
    2015. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 maio 2022.

    FERREIRA,  G.V.B.;  BARLETTA,  M.;  LIMA,  A.R.A.  Use  of  estuarine  resources  by  top  predator  fishes.
    How do ecological patterns affect rates of contamination by microplastics? Science of Total Environment,
    655, 292 – 304, 2019.

    LIMA, A.R.A.; BARLETTA, M.; COSTA, M.F. Seasonal-Dial shifts of ichthyoplankton assemblages and
    plastic debris around an Equatorial Atlantic Archipelago. Frontiers in Environmental Science, v. 4, art. n.
    56, p. 1-18, 2016.

    MESTRES,      M.;   SANCHES-ARCILLA,        A.;   SIERRA,    J.P.;   MÖSSO,     C.;   TAGLIANE,     P.
    R.;MÖLLER,O.;NIENCHESKI,L.F.Coastalbaysasasinkfor pollutants andsediment.Proceedings of the 8th
    International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2004). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue n. 39, v. III,
    p.1546-1550.  Winter,  2006.  Disponível  em:  <>.  Acesso  em:  22
    maio 2022.

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